Know the updated user engagement numbers on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest with these 5 stats (updated Jan 2021)
#1. On average, people access Facebook 8 times each day.
#2. Facebook users spend 38 minutes per day using the platform.
So based on above two numbers, on average users spend 4.75 minutes per session on Facebook
#3, Twitter users spent an average of 3.39 minutes on the social networking platform per session.
Slightly lesser than Facebook’s 4.75 per session. But in Twitter users get the information they want very quickly than Facebook
#4. Average time spent on Pinterest per visit is 14.2 minutes.
Per visit is another term to define “session”. 14.2 minutes per session is a huge number compared to Facebook’s 4.75 minutes average. Most of Pinterest users are women who love spending time exploring new creative content in the Pinterest platform, and then take buying decisions. They also love curating boards with fresh ideas related to shopping, home, fashion, styling, DIY content etc.
#5. Pinterest drives 33% more traffic to shopping sites than Facebook.
This beats Facebook and Twitter hands down when it comes to users who use social media for shopping decisions.
Also recent polls from Twitter has shown, in 2021 companies plan to use more on Pinterest advertising. Google comes second and Facebook at third.