Here is a fun app I came across that creates app logo inspirations, sometimes even final logo from what we see in the sales page. The app name is Im not affiliated but I liked the app and wanted to try it out. It is clear the use cases are mostly mobile apps, desktop apps and some icon style logos and not all logo types.
It sells for pretty nominal cost for less than $10 and for one off price
Yes it uses AI, but it does lot more than just AI inspiration, once you get AI suggestions the app makes the logo better like adding variations, color gradint and more. For $9 you get 200 credtis and with this they say you can get around 4-5 logos done, which is great. Even 1 near completion logo for $9 is great value.
I wanted to try this fun app. The buying experience is very good and you can start using the app immediately after you make the payment.
First step after I logged inside the members area , is the create project option.

Then iside the project comes the input area to give the description, free text area. The more descriptive the better. Option to go minimal or the glossy ones with multiple style options available. 3D, isometric, Low poly, line art, pixel art, digital art, fantasy, origami, modelling, tile texture
Apart from minimal, I liked isometric and line art variations

The tabs pending , accepted, dismissed show the counts of credits used towards your 200 credits (for $9) you can buy more for 200 credit blocks.

Save the accepted ones for tweaking or using as it is

Create variations from the accpted ones (credits are used)

Make color changes to the accepted ones (do not count as credits)

Here is the one that i liked and downloaded from the app in zip format
download of the sample logo i created
Final Thoughts:
The app creates only standard icon type logos, primarily suiting for mobile apps and desktop apps. It is well worth $10 for this purpose.
It could help web apps in some case, but it is not suitable for other cases, but you can derive isnpirations using it.
Create final logo or logo inspirations that you can use as a base to create your version on top of it or give the inspiration to your designer who can complete it lot cheaper.